
Innovation meets precision – our latest acquisitions from Mitutoyo

Thanks to the new measuring machines, we bring our measurement capability to a completely new level.

Multisensor measuring machine: MiSCAN Apex 404
This stunning machine combines optical and tactile measurement technology in a unique way. With its camera, we can measure precisely points that are difficult to reach. Thanks to this revolutionary technology, we not only exceed our customers' needs, we can also reduce our measurement leadtimes.

Portal Measuring Machine: CRYSTA Apex V9166
Our new portal measuring machine offers a wide measuring field of 1600 x 900 mm. This allows us to use multiple clamping systems more frequently, which enables optimized and autonomous series measurement.

With the standardized software, which we already use with success on our three existing measuring machines, this gives us a great flexibility. These new machines will be fully integrated into our operations and interact smoothly together. This will allow us to respond more efficiently to individual customer needs.

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